“Every man-made creation starts with seeds of thought. The idea is then germinated with action to form its physical equivalent.” Dennis Kimbro For the first time this fall I had the pleasure of lecturing at a College Success Seminar. It’s been a blast to not only give back but also recall the
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post – October 2nd
Photo by Donald McMichael Enjoy and please let me know what you think. A call to action for mobile investment Rob O’Regan takes a look at what’s happening, or not, in the mobile investment space. According to his findings if you’re not investing in mobile, you’re already behind. That
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post – September 25th
Photo by justinknabb Enjoy and please let me know what you think. The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone: Fabian Hemmert on TED.com A TEDxBerlin that asks the question “How can we make digital content graspable?” This presentation looks at a handset that “display” information
How to Craft a Winning Market Entry Strategy – Strategic Alliances
In this video we conclude our investigation of the methods we can employ to expanding businesses into new markets by looking at strategic alliances. These agreements are at the top of the investment return food chain for good reason. It takes a large long-term potential win to pry open your
5 Fav Business and Strategy Posts – September 18th
Photo by gflinch Enjoy and please let me know what you think. Survival of the Fittest Device: Will iPad Kill the Competition? Market research firm iSuppli forecasts that total iPad sales will hit 12.9 million units by end of 2010, 36.5 million by 2011, and pop through 50 million by
How to Craft a Winning Market Entry Strategy – Equity Ownership
We continue our investigation of the methods we can employ to expanding businesses into new markets. Inside today’s video we will focus on equity investment options. If the initiating entity can stand the potential short-term valuation hit they can be positioned to reap the benefit of
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post – September 11th
Photo by John Gordy As we all are settling in after the summer holidays, well those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, I wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss these interesting posts. Enjoy and please let me know what you think. Why TV Won’t Die: The Power of Big Seed
Do You Know What Your Business Model Is?
Did you realize that 2/3 of all companies have not articulated their business model. This is an amazing stat from Charles Baden-Fuller. The reason it is so high isn't that they don't have it is that they just don't think about it. And that logic chain then goes that if one
How to Craft a Winning Market Entry Strategy – Joint Ventures
Inside this video we will introduce the core direct investment options and focus on joint ventures. If the initiating management team can stand to have more of a Board role in the new initiative you can position your organization to have limited downside exposure while still being able to