If you sell, and we all do, you're in the business of changing behavior. Pop Quiz: How do you influence yours? Everything that we have covered up until this point will be for naught if you don't have (cultivate) the right mindset. One that constantly challenges how we approach tasks by
Business [Re]Ignition: The 7 Rock Solid Elements of Executing Business Model Innovation – Part 1
In any high stakes venture it is vital, whether for yourself or a client, to have a sustainable edge. Warren Buffet calls it a Durable Competitive Advantage and Michael Porter refers to it as a Competitive Advantage. Regardless of the phrasing, the concept is the same. Never move into, or stay
Do Strategic Alliances Between SMEs Really Matter?
Here’s a writers prerogative version of a recent conversation. Business Leader: I hear what you’re saying about defusing my risk by recruiting others to help drive initiatives. And, the derived benefit of shifting activities that aren’t key so we're able to focus on what we do best would be
Why Some Businesses Almost Always Make the Right Moves – Week’s 5 Best Posts
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Better business modeling, the why (capture an unfair advantage), how (…to maintain it), and when (6 signs that you need to rinse and repeat). The art of a sweet science; financial modeling it’s not just about the numbers. The Business
New Product Launch; Why Some Businesses Almost Always Nail It
The secret is that they don’t… It just seems that way because they have assimilated the art of experimentation into their DNA. And why have they adopted this mentality? To validate learning because what often seems like a no-brainer really isn’t. Intrigued? Market penetration strategies; from my
How to Win Friends and Stifle Competition
If you’re King of the Hill and there is another that’s banging on the front door you protect your house (top of the line iPhone) by making sure that all your flanks are covered. That’s the virtual role of the iPhone 4S and the line’s new pricing structure. As pointed out in a New York Times
How to Build a Business that Works
One reason so many startups fail is that they either craft a business plan then shelve it at launch or worst yet slavishly follow it without adjusting when the initial assumptions are proven by the market to be invalid. Instead, entrepreneurs should take a page from the concept of lean manufacturing
Are You Trustworthy? – Seriously!
I just finished going through Jeff Thull’s most recent book “Mastering the Complex Sale: How to Compete and Win When the Stakes Are High!” Jeff is a master sales consultant and this work beautifully lays out the three evolutionary phases of consultative sales. The Eras Era 1: The Presenting
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #38
picture: Flickr.com Commons As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds,