As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds, I encourage you check them
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #31
While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The Struggle for the Right “Business Model”: Distraction or Imperative for Creating and Sustaining the Business? The essence of a business model is that it defines the manner by which a
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #28
photo via Donald McMichael While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. When to Gamble -- and When to Fold? Innovation Strategies for a New Economy With regards to innovation it's not always best to be first. Business history is
Cape does not enable user to fly
This quote comes from a post that Bob DeSena penned for the MediaPost blog TVBoard. No element of media is unaffected by enabling technology, certainly not TV, and because tech is sexy and smart and not the core competence of most practitioners, it seems to be emerging sometimes on its own. It
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #21
photo from Acer via While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Eleven Digital Trends to Watch in 2011 Steve Rubel and David Armano pulled together their projections for the most interesting trends to watch
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #17
photo by Sarah Sampsel While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Monaco Media Forum 2010 - "Media Unbound" Who rules the new game? MMF 2010 roundtable discussion that investigates the impact new screens, new software, and new
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post – September 11th
Photo by John Gordy As we all are settling in after the summer holidays, well those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, I wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss these interesting posts. Enjoy and please let me know what you think. Why TV Won’t Die: The Power of Big Seed
Media Reforestation – the ‘un’ business model
When you think about media business models the last thing that would come into your mind is the desired outcome being unassigned, unknown, and just plain old out in the wind. But this exactly what Steve Ruble believes will happen; media weaving an even tighter connection between those initiating the
The Future of Magazines, Not… well Maybe.
This article ran in was a recent post on the paidContent site. It takes a high level look at the production and expense implications (business models) associated with re-imaging magazines for the soon to be released iPad. Makes you wonder if specific publications can gain a comparative advantage if