Say it's not so! It can't be. But alas it is. We are segueing into September. Over the next two weeks bathing suits will be wrung out, surfboards stowed, and backpacks wrenched out from beneath that pile of camp gear. Turning up the dial This is a period of both great anticipation and trepidation.
Business [Re]Ignition: The 7 Rock Solid Elements of Executing Business Model Innovation – Part 4
The brutal truth about business is this: It’s hard. Have you ever asked yourself: Why aren’t we growing more/faster? Do we have the right solution; does it solve their mission critical issue? This isn’t working, what’s our alternative? If you said, “yes” about any of those questions
Sharpen Your Reception with Valuable Content
Here is why two scary insights for wireless / mobile network service providers are a golden path for you and I. First the setup. Arieso, one the of world's leading providers of mobile network management software solutions, just released the results of a new study, “Recent Smartphone Trends
Are You Trustworthy? – Seriously!
I just finished going through Jeff Thull’s most recent book “Mastering the Complex Sale: How to Compete and Win When the Stakes Are High!” Jeff is a master sales consultant and this work beautifully lays out the three evolutionary phases of consultative sales. The Eras Era 1: The Presenting
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #35
I’m back after taking a break last week for the Memorial Day holiday here in the US. As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #32
While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Nielsen: PCs, ereaders are taking the backseat to tablets It should come as no surprise that a recent Neilson study showed that tablets are pulling consumers away from desktop PCs, but
It’s All About the Customer – Failure is Death
I invite you to join me as I continue my… well let’s call it a voyage of discovery. Publicly, it all started last week with a post entitled “It’s All About the Customer; 5 Myths to Bust to Get There”, the premise is that businesses have/are moving away from selling a product to selling a solution by
60 Second MBA: Rescue Your Negotiations; 3 Commandments
Today's tip on negotiating comes directly from a conversation I had with one of my neighbors Marty. It is often said that great neighbors are the result of a strong fence. If that’s the case then outstanding neighbors are those who have a knack for sharing appropriate knowledge
It’s All About the Customer; 5 Myths to Bust to Get There
I was thinking about what I would like to write about this week – media analysis (NY Times metered model), business growth acceleration, bridging the gap between strategy and action, strategic financial business analysis, or negotiating. Then, as I was going through my files doing