This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: It’s all about growing your business… here’s the how to do it smartly. What’s old is best again… networking 1980’s style. Don’t call it a comeback… 4 steps for reviving an ailing company. As, always I’m looking to share with you
5 Posts that Help You Buck Business Convention and Succeed
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Why bucking business convention is often a good thing. Why complex system pattern recognition should be your arsenal. Betting on your clients to help grow the business. As, always I’m looking to share with you quality
Same as it Ever Was… But Worse
We're not going to nail it. Nothing could be truer in this day and age when it come to business planning. Undertaking exercises in long-range planning and forecasting assumes that the business' contextual environment has a level of stability and certainty… well at least enough to make us feel
How to Win Friends and Stifle Competition
If you’re King of the Hill and there is another that’s banging on the front door you protect your house (top of the line iPhone) by making sure that all your flanks are covered. That’s the virtual role of the iPhone 4S and the line’s new pricing structure. As pointed out in a New York Times
Value is Job #1
Ran across the post below on the Wisconsin Technology news site It debunks (one of my favorite words) the myth that professional service businesses need not worry about being perceived and treated as a commodity. I know that this is something I've always circled back to several times
Warning: 8 Point List Might Get You to Your Destiny Faster
Do you know where you’re at? Are you cool with that? If not continue reading to understand an 8-point checklist that focuses you onto the right coordinates. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, or retiree you can benefit from periodically stepping back and taking stock. After all,
60 Second MBA: Business Development Linchpin… Be Still For A Minute
Today's tip on negotiating comes from our good friends over at Scotwork NA. Question: What is the first thing that you need to do before you enter a negotiation… or meeting? Answer: Prepare in advance. In negotiating this is how one makes the biggest impact on outcomes for the your team.
Amaze Yourself… and Others
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” — Thomas Edison
60 Second MBA: Negotiating Genius in a Pinch
The March 31st post - 60 Second MBA: Rescue Your Negotiations; 3 Commandments - on negotiation drew a fair amount of interest. Why, because negotiation skills are important for everyone, no matter what they do for a living. It is something that most everyone uses often in life; skills to swing