Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The human drama…
It’s been over 30 years since I first heard that phrase on ABC’s “Wide World of Sports” opening theme song. It was written to characterize man’s quest to discover those who dared to take on being the best at their sport. Today it could easily be used to characterize business people’s journey to understand and interact in our highly connected world. This week we will take a look at:
- Business Innovation – how to do so smartly
- Successful global business leaders key traits, and
- Business behaviors we must master
As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase your business development skills, enhance your level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of your professional relationships.
If you enjoy my weekend summary and would like even more practical, useable links than the five I highlight here every week, follow me on Twitter @DonaldMcMichael and Google Plus +DonaldMcMichael. It’s painless. Really.
To innovate, experiment
When looking to (re)invent your business model the following does matter, being prepared, your past experiences, and your analytical ability. It just that they matter most when applied toward and after experimentation. This must read piece from CNN Money was adopted from ‘The Business Model Innovation Factory’. It provides a few solid examples of how you need to keep pressing forward for there never is a silver bullet that will solve all issues in one fell swoop.
The Four Worst Innovation Assassins
This post gives us insight on the four buckets into which innovation killing business leaders can be sorted. While it might be fun to work for a Googlephile or Pirate (read post to get a description of each) business that do the best take a much more disciplined and measurable approach.
What Being Global Really Means
It should be no surprise that today’s greatest opportunity for businesses of all sizes is global in nature. The real question this piece looks at is ‘What does global really mean?’ And, more importantly what do we have to do to be the connectors of resources across cultural and political boundaries? This post gives you the three traits that highly successful global leaders posses.
How to Fail
According to Marc Pincus to find a sustainable model for your vision requires that you ‘real world’ test strategies until one works. It’s those micro failures that help to keep you grounded and reminded that early on you’re in the discovery process.
How to Build Trust in the Business World – 7 Behaviors You Must Know
In this post I look at how we can help improve our Know/Like/Trust factor, which is critical if we are to win support for our propositions. Of the seven discussed My favorite is number 6, it’s all too easy to push off responsibility a bad trait that we as leaders must repress. Despites the power of number 6 it is number 7 that can truly propel you to greatness. What do you think?