This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Why bucking business convention is often a good thing. Why complex system pattern recognition should be your arsenal. Betting on your clients to help grow the business. As, always I’m looking to share with you quality
Making Solid Business Decisions: 7 Things that You Must Know
photo: Simon Doggett via Flickr Why are bad decisions made by capable businesses? Business decisions are typically green-lighted, if not made directly, by seasoned people within an organization, then why is it so hit or miss? After all, isn’t decision making something that we as individuals do
5 Cornerstones of a Powerfully Successful Business Development Pitch
photo: Aladair Middleton via Flickr You live and die by the pitch in business. Pitching is not a science nor an art & science it’s pure art. You have mere minutes to impress your audience and with success or failure hanging in the balance a tight relevant presentation is key. There are
Sharpen Your Reception with Valuable Content
Here is why two scary insights for wireless / mobile network service providers are a golden path for you and I. First the setup. Arieso, one the of world's leading providers of mobile network management software solutions, just released the results of a new study, “Recent Smartphone Trends
Warning: This will get you and your boss’ head nodding
“Who are these guys? They're my theme music. Every hero's got to have some.” - Jack Spade, ‘I’m Gonna Git You Sucka’ This has to be one of my favorite quotes from a movie. I’m pretty certain no one is going to call me a hero. But, I do have a theme... check that a soundtrack. In fact, I
New Product Launch; Why Some Businesses Almost Always Nail It
The secret is that they don’t… It just seems that way because they have assimilated the art of experimentation into their DNA. And why have they adopted this mentality? To validate learning because what often seems like a no-brainer really isn’t. Intrigued? Market penetration strategies; from my
The Truth About Starting a New Business Successfully
Okay, it's that time of year again where lists of how to close out the year right, get a jump on the next year, and how to leverage the holiday social scene pop-up like… well they are everywhere. So much so that it forces your brain to tune out and everything starts to sound like the teacher from
Same as it Ever Was… But Worse
We're not going to nail it. Nothing could be truer in this day and age when it come to business planning. Undertaking exercises in long-range planning and forecasting assumes that the business' contextual environment has a level of stability and certainty… well at least enough to make us feel
How to Win Friends and Stifle Competition
If you’re King of the Hill and there is another that’s banging on the front door you protect your house (top of the line iPhone) by making sure that all your flanks are covered. That’s the virtual role of the iPhone 4S and the line’s new pricing structure. As pointed out in a New York Times