I invite you to join me as I continue my… well let’s call it a voyage of discovery. Publicly, it all started last week with a post entitled “It’s All About the Customer; 5 Myths to Bust to Get There”, the premise is that businesses have/are moving away from selling a product to selling a solution by
60 Second MBA: Is Cultural Context Stymieing Your Business Development Effort? Are You Sure?
Whether we recognize it or not we live in a global marketplace in which markets are local. In years past it very rarely crossed our minds that we – when I say we I’m talking about us as individuals - would be interacting with both partners and customers from around the world on a daily basis.
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #28
photo via Donald McMichael While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. When to Gamble -- and When to Fold? Innovation Strategies for a New Economy With regards to innovation it's not always best to be first. Business history is
Structure your business efforts according to…
“Assess the advantages in taking advice, then structure your forces accordingly, to supplement extraordinary tactics. Forces are to be structured strategically, based on what is advantageous.” - Sun Tzu
60 Second MBA: Rescue Your Negotiations; 3 Commandments
Today's tip on negotiating comes directly from a conversation I had with one of my neighbors Marty. It is often said that great neighbors are the result of a strong fence. If that’s the case then outstanding neighbors are those who have a knack for sharing appropriate knowledge
It’s All About the Customer; 5 Myths to Bust to Get There
I was thinking about what I would like to write about this week – media analysis (NY Times metered model), business growth acceleration, bridging the gap between strategy and action, strategic financial business analysis, or negotiating. Then, as I was going through my files doing
60 Second MBA: Do you spend you day finding or filling abysses?
Do you believe yourself to be an entrepreneur or business owner? Most often people use the term interchangeably… especially when talking about start-ups or small businesses. This is a mistake that I often run across, and most of those I’m talking with are involved in established businesses. One
Baking in an exit button isn’t a winning play
This quote comes from a post that Jason Fried founder of 37signals. "If you want to succeed in your business -- you need a Commitment Strategy not an Exit Strategy."
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #27
photo via The Advocacy Project While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. How to Test a Business Model Like a Scientist Whether you like it or not we base our decisions on the way we believe particular things work. This is