For my entrepreneur friends, and those of you who want a bigger paycheck, checkout this post by Steve Errey on Copyblogger. He gets into several ways that you can combat your fears (success, failure, change), get unstuck, and be more relevant to your audience.
Learn how three organizations from three different sectors – consumer, academic and business – are using cross-platform tactics to integrate content into their mobile strategy.
It’s a great time to be a TV consumer, especially with so many cool new over-the-top (bypass cable box) services launching over the next several months. There are many new ways to get TV, but they differ in many ways – both good and bad. Jim Louderback has tried most, and shares his insights on which ones will succeed and which ones will fail. Read his handicapping guide.
Nobody can predict 100% what the future of television will be but Mark Suster has done enough hands-on research for this post to have a good bead. Read his take on what role televison will play with how we interact with the Internet, how we communicate with friends, how we play games and how we shop.
This article from Jim Tobin on Mashable takes a look at why Social Media matters. And as expressed on this blog it matters even more as everyday we transition deeper into reputation centric marketing environment.