While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting.
Whether you like it or not we base our decisions on the way we believe particular things work. This is both good and bad; the good is that what we really are doing is putting together a series of hypothesis that develop a model, which means it can be tested. The bad is that this is so ingrained in human nature – think wisdom – we often fail to realize that our insights are just those insights not facts. A situation that in my household often leads to someone ultimately say ‘What I had in my head was that… ’. This post opens the door on how Steve Blank exploits this fact to better situate businesses.
I must admit that it took me more than a minute to figure this one out back in the 1990’s when I was first starting out. We often use, hear, refer to these terms as if they are interchangeable. In reality they all have distinct meanings although at times slight they can have a significant impact on the sustainability of a business or you own energy level. Read this post on Business Insider to see which you identify with the most?
Although this post was specifically targeted towards those of us who tend to pen blog post if you are a proponent of business model generation the theme of think/do/write will feel familiar. And it very well should for what is being promoted is test your perceptions in the real world then tell others how it worked or the lessons learned.
Best kernel of wisdom from the author Bo Peabody -partner at Village Ventures and the founder of Tripod, Waterfront Media, and several other companies – is:
My formula for getting lucky in business is reasonably simple: Start a company that is fundamentally innovative, morally compelling, and philosophically positive. Create an aura of authenticity around your start-up by carefully crafting your mission and communicating it with charisma and passion.
A five-line post by Seth Godin about how to increase your sustainability factor. Essentially it boils down to run fast, run hard. Read it anyway your internalization of the message will help set your mind stage.