Okay, it's that time of year again where lists of how to close out the year right, get a jump on the next year, and how to leverage the holiday social scene pop-up like… well they are everywhere. So much so that it forces your brain to tune out and everything starts to sound like the teacher from
Same as it Ever Was… But Worse
We're not going to nail it. Nothing could be truer in this day and age when it come to business planning. Undertaking exercises in long-range planning and forecasting assumes that the business' contextual environment has a level of stability and certainty… well at least enough to make us feel
How to Win Friends and Stifle Competition
If you’re King of the Hill and there is another that’s banging on the front door you protect your house (top of the line iPhone) by making sure that all your flanks are covered. That’s the virtual role of the iPhone 4S and the line’s new pricing structure. As pointed out in a New York Times
RIP Steve, job well done.
Here is a Method That is Helping Niche Businesses to Boost Sales
I have the pleasure of teaching entrepreneurship at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) in NYC. Being a New York City based business school cloaked as a design/art institute provides fertile ground for discipline mash-ups. The attached article from FT.com details the rise of retail mash-up,
How to Build a Business that Works
One reason so many startups fail is that they either craft a business plan then shelve it at launch or worst yet slavishly follow it without adjusting when the initial assumptions are proven by the market to be invalid. Instead, entrepreneurs should take a page from the concept of lean manufacturing