I don’t know about you but I love a good cup of coffee, a felling that was only enhanced after the birth of the twins. Faced with years of participation, think parental draft, in fundraisers left I would love to see more innovative fundraiser concepts. In most schemes, the group raising the money buys something to sell at a profit— cookies, or chocolate bars for example. Newhall Coffee has developed a program that lets groups sell custom, branded coffee blends on an ongoing basis and receive quarterly donations in return. For you New Yorker’s thing Fairway blends like Firehouse.
The era of media being all things to all people ended about 10 years ago, most of us just didn’t recognize it at the time. Lines of publications need to be structured and set free as strategic business units. What this means is that they must be given the freedom, to establish themselves as viable for their selected audience. This Forbes article also takes that position and investigates how social media can be leveraged under this dynamic to turbo charge a unit’s success.
A new media age survey reveals that Britons are developing a taste for watching TV online. But its largely solitary – sharing via social media is still relatively rare. The question I was left with after reading this article was “Is the same true for the US, rest of the world? Or do geographic regions no longer matter?”
In this post Chris Brogan combines a topic that he a co-author Julien Smith talk about in Trust Agents with a page out of Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. What he sheds light on in the fact that all types a relationship currency (banked favors) have an expiration date, thus you must constantly bank new currency.
Have you ever meet a corporate storyteller? If not let me introduce you to Michael Morgolis. Checkout both this post and his blog to get a sense of the value storytelling have for you as you go through life.