As always my area of focus is the business management and strategy arena while the subject matters will be insights, analysis of current events, or interviews of interest.While I’m not going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is my favorite for the week from Flickr.
This week’s findings:
- Advancing Location Technology in a Fragmented Mobile Environment – As developers expand the frontiers of geolocation technology, us regular folks are beginning question the value of others being able to determine our precise location.
- Why Your Phone Can’t Really Replace Your Credit Card – Waving your cellphone over a retail console to buy just about anything might sound super cool, but Visa and MasterCard are so universal at this point that the barriers to entry for any new payment system are almost insurmountable.
- Urban Fruit-picking project aims to minimize waste – Do you have a fruit tree on your property for decorative purposes? If so, Not Far from the Tree might be knocking on your door to see if you would like to help the less fortunate while putting a little money into your pocket; doing well by doing good was never so easy.
- Does Newsweek Have a Future as a Nonprofit? – So Newsweek has been sold to a fabulously wealthy angel, Sidney Harman. Now what? I can’t help but wonder whether, over the next couple of years, Harman will covert Newsweek to a nonprofit. It would fit both the struggling magazine’s finances and Harman’s intentions and circumstances.
- Convergence Culture & Innovation – In this video Henry Jenkins, which outlines some of the key points from his book Convergence Culture. The particular focus is on Transmedia, which is the idea that we now have multiple media channels that we can use to tell our stories.